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Health Requirements and Forms

Your physician will use this form to record the required Pre-k, Kindergarten and 6th grade physical.

All sport physicals are required to be updated yearly with the nurser's office. This is required for all 6th,7th and 8th grade students that choose to participate in sports. Students will not be allowed to tryout with out a sports physicals on file. In conjunction with the required sports physical, all student will be required to complete the "Concussion Information Form." This form must be reviewed and signed by both the parent or guardian of the student, as well the student themselves.

State of IL requires proof of an eye examination by and Optometrist, be submitted to the school no later that of the year the child is enrolled in Kindergarten, or enter an IL school for the first time.

State of IL requires proof of a dental examination, this form must be submitted to the school no later than May 15 of each school year for all students attending Kindergarten, 2nd and 6th grade.

If your child requires any prescription or over-the-counter medications during school hours, this form must be completed by your child's physician. Please verify with your child physician, if an "Emergency Action Plan," is required.