Monthly SEL Schedule
Rhodes recognizes the importance of SEL to support our students’ social and emotional well being to help them succeed academically in a safe and supportive environment.
This year, SEL will be taught the first Wednesday of scheduled months. On most Wednesdays, there will be an SEL Morning Schedule and SEL topics and activities will be discussed during that time. There will be a planned activity each month that teaches students the importance of SEL. All lessons and materials will be emailed each month. If it is a Family Meeting month, those will take place during 9th period on the SEL Schedule and NOT in the morning. We will also have a Question of the Day from the Daily Slides that will be read during morning announcements that can spur SEL conversations during Homeroom! To learn more about the Rhodes SEL Family Meeting event, please review the pdf.
September 4th: Mindfulness
Calming strategies and grounding techniques
October 2nd: Inclusivity-Family Meeting
October is National Bullying Prevention Month
November 6th: Goal Setting*
Setting goals and recognizing personal strengths
December 4th: Emotion Management*
Identify emotions and use coping skills
January 8th: Self-Esteem-Family Meeting
What Makes Each of Us Unique
February 5th: Kindness*
Showing kindness to ourselves and others
March 5th: Positive Communication-Family Meeting
Respectful words and actions
April 9th: Problem Solving*
Decision making and conflict resolution
May 7th: Year End Review-Family Meeting
Review what was learned this year in SEL