Third Grade
Third grade consists of four individual classrooms. Each classroom teacher has their own unique style of teaching; however, all teachers strive to help students make connections across curricular areas. These connections help to provide experiences that stimulate learning in all developmental areas - physical, social, emotional and intellectual - through an integrated approach to learning.
Our curriculum is designed to spiral across grade levels. Similar topics will be encountered at various grade levels, increasing in complexity and level of mastery each year. Third grade's core curriculum consists of Language Arts (reading, phonics, spelling, grammar and writing), Math, Social Studies and Science. Additionally, students receive instruction in Physical Education, Art, Music and Technology. To meet the educational needs of our diverse learners, additional instruction may be provided through ELL, Enrichment, Title 1, and Rhodes Academy.
Teachers can be contacted via DOJO and email. Please visit our Staff Connection to contact your child's teacher.
Language Arts
ReadyGEN is a K-6 integrated literacy program that accelerates learning for all by presenting modeled reading experience with authentic text. Students engage in practice, build motivation, and improve their reading stamina. It is a comprehensive program that includes reading fluency, comprehension, spelling, phonics, grammar and writing. Please visit Third Grade's Reading Curriculum Map for an in-depth look at the stories and skills covered throughout the year.
Go Math offers an engaging and interactive approach to learning math following Common Core math standards. It ensures that students can access content at appropriate levels of depth and rigor. Students are presented with a variety of strategies and are encouraged to choose the method that best suits their needs. An online component, called Think Central, is available for additional practice. Please visit Third Grade's Math Curriculum Map for an in-depth look at the skills and concepts covered throughout the year.
Social Studies
Third Grade uses Macmillian/McGraw-Hill Timelinks for our Social Studies curriculum. The lessons are directly linked to the Illinois State Learning Standards for Social Studies. The lessons are designed to enrich a students' knowledge of communities, cultures, government and the State of Illinois. Additionally, the program incorporates geography skills, such as: using maps, globes, time lines, bar graphs, and flow charts. During the spring, Third Grade focuses on the history and architecture of Chicago.
Third Grade follows the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), which explores four themes: forces and interactions, ecosystems, life cycles and traits, and weather and climate. In the third grade performance expectations, students are expected to demonstrate grade-appropriate proficiency in asking questions and defining problems; developing and using models, planning and carrying out investigations, analyzing and interpreting data, constructing explanations and designing solutions, engaging in argument from evidence, and obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information. Students are expected to use these practices to demonstrate understanding of the core ideas.
Testing and Assessment in Third Grade
In the Third Grade, students participate in a variety of testing and assessment opportunities. They are:
AIMSweb (reading)
In addition, classroom teachers engage students in ongoing leveled assessments in all subject areas. These assessments are reported on the individual student progress reports and during Parent-Teacher Conferences. Teacher-administered assessments are also used for the planning and delivery of individualized instruction.